Card Connectors
For All Common Flash Memory Card Standards
CODICO offers card connectors and sockets for all common flash memory card standards such as:
- SIM card readers (SIM, µSIM and nanoSIM)
- SD & MMC card readers (µSD and connectors that accept both SD and MMC cards)
- CF card readers (Compact Flash and Compact Flash Fast)
- PCMCIA card readers (single deck and double deck)
- Adapter and multicard connectors (x-in-1 card readers)
The Following Options Are Available
The options range from SMT/THT versions, with or without switch, to particularly space-saving versions with low overall height. The most common designs include card holders with locking mechanism, manual ejector, removable drawer or hinged lid.
Versions for harsh environmental requirements and high mechanical stress as well as special solutions for automotive applications are available on request.